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    Start your plants from seed

    Start your plants from seed

    Start your plants from seed

    Propagating your own plants from seed is much more rewarding and less expensive than buying seedlings at the garden supply store. One of the The first thing you will need is a box or tray about 3 to 4 inches deep, 12 to 14 inches wide and 20 to 24 inches long.

    Once you have your planting box, fill it with a suitable seed growing mix. TO a good medium would be 80-85% washed river sand and 15-20% peat. If you prefer to purchase a bag of seed growing mix, visit your local garden supply. Store. Once you have your medium, fill the box almost to the top and then pat the middle firmly.

    Prepare the medium to plant your seeds by making rows across the box. They should be between a quarter and a half inch deep and 2 inches apart.

    Planting Process

    The seed should be distributed 8 to 10 per inch in the rows and then be covered. Move the box to a warm, shady place.

    It is important to water regularly during germination, however the soil it should be kept moist, not wet. If the water starts to run through the bottom of the box is doing it and the ground will puddle. Yes this happens, the seeds could rot and not germinate.

    If you can cover the box with a piece of glass or even saran wrap, this they retain moisture, creating a microclimate that will accelerate germination. Once the seedlings germinate, the cap and seedlings can be removed can be gradually introduced to stronger light - next to a window would be ideal.

    planting seeds

    When the plants are between an inch and an inch and a half tall, they should thinned an inch or two apart in the row, to give them plenty of room to make sturdy and robust growth. If you want to preserve the plants that have thinned, should be planted two inches apart each way in boxes similar to the seed box.

    When the weather becomes mild, the plant box should be placed outside doors part of the time for plants to harden in preparation for transplanting to the garden later. Give the seedlings a good watering alone before transplanting so that a ball of soil clings to the roots.

    By growing seedlings in this controlled germination climate, they will be more resistant and flourish. You will also have the added satisfaction of having did all the work yourself.

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