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    Garden delicacies for the Midsummer

    Garden Delights For Midsummer

    Garden delicacies for the Midsummer

    Once again we have reached the wonderful magical time of the summer solstice, when the garden is ablaze with sensational flowers and a fantastic variety of colors. Many of these wonderful flowers fill the air with its tempting perfume.

    I often pause for a moment, especially at twilight, when the smell of the flowers are at their strongest and extremely proud of the effort I have put into my garden. This is when I really appreciate how valuable everything has been.

    Sure, your garden looks really special too, but if any chance that you feel there are holes or plants that you create you might be doing better, could you suggest that you take a little inspiration from some of these wonderful flowers that I find truly magnificent. In my opinion, these are some of the flowers that will enhance any garden and delight the senses with its combined aromas.

    Rose eglanteria - 

    This sweet heather rose is valued by the strong apple scent that comes from the leaves. I think it is an extremely beautiful shrub, and it also makes an impenetrable hedge.

    Agastache faoeniculum (anise hyssop) - 
    nise hyssop

    This is a majestic herbaceous perennial, whose silver-green leaves give off a licorice anise fragrance. The deep violet blue flowers are particularly loved by bees, butterflies and goldfinches among others. I find the rich beautiful color luscious when it bursts into me garden in late summer, and lasts until fall.

    Cytisus battandeiri (Moroccan broom): 

    when planted around walls around the house or around the yard, the scent of crushed pineapple that It comes from the cones of the yellow flower that will permeate the air. It really excites the senses on the warm and calm days of June and July, with its wonderful aroma floating in the house or on the patio. It should be encouraged to flourish freely to get the most out of it. of this absolutely wonderful flower.

    Magnolia grandiflora - 

    Magnolia grandiflora

    Large calyxes are a joy in late summer. with a wonderful lemon zest aroma. It should be helped to bloom when young man on trellis, training shoots against a warm sunny wall. Train them horizontally and shorten the new shoots to five leaves in August.

     Dianthus (Brymton Red) - 

    These lovely old-fashioned carnations have a lingering fragrance of cloves and the "Brymton red" is a true peacock among them. They produce a brilliant display of individual deep red flowers. intertwined with darker markings, and they are glowing in June. Be sure to dead flowers weekly to channel the energy of your plants into producing more buds and flowers.

    Ferdinand pritchard
    Eucryphia nymansay - 

    This graceful evergreen is famous for its summertime and autumn display of large white flowers scented with honey. The flower is coveted by bees looking for nectar. You need a warm and sunny place. I absolutely adore these.

    Ferdinand Pitchard - 

    This is an old-fashioned rose with the so-called smell of freshly picked raspberries. Striped globular pink flowers with crimson and purple will be your reward for planting this fantastic


    It thrives in humis-rich soils in full sunlight, and will bring color to the summer season more beautifully.

    Other flowers to bring a party of color and delight.

    Gladiolus communis
    Gladiolus communis

    Gladiolus communis - 

    Until recently, people looked down on gladioli, but they make really good border flowers. They are great for cluttering the other colors, and they take up hardly any space at ground level.

    Scabiosa "Ace of Spades" - 

    This is one for the chocoholics, "Ace of Spades "is a mass of velvet and maroon with little white pins that have a pincushion effect. What a beautiful flower this is, tuck them in amongst the green alchem   foliage for a contemporary color intrigue. Let the last blooms sow themselves alone.

    Delphinium Belladonna
    Delphinium Belladonna
    Delphinium Belladonna Group - 

    If you are looking for grace and charm, Belladonna hybrids are for you. They are ideal to summon a romantic effect, look wonderful around the cabins and bring a kind of English charm to your garden. For a full season of color, grow with peonies, poppies, and dahlias. Cut off the first spikes once they have bloomed for a second wave of flowers.

    Papaver "Lady Frederick Moore": 

    A lovely peach poppy is much softer to the eye than the traditional oriental red pillar box, and is easier to mix with early summer pastels. Grow up in the sun and I hope mild weather will prolong this tissue paper like a flower.

    Monarda "Capricorn" - 

    Think Magenta, Think Hardy Geranium? Why not try an unusual monarda instead, with its beautiful aromatic foliage and spider petals, totally adored by bees. The impressive color and shapes make it a good competitor with lythrum and veronica peaks. It is best planted in the sun where the soil does not become too dry and the space is not too full.


    LLathyrus latifolius - 

    A delicious sweet pea that is timeless but without the sweet scent I'm afraid so you can never have it all right? However, with the strong scents of flowers on this pretty flower, I think it is worth having in your garden. The flowers are much larger than the annual L. doratus, with iridescent shells instead of petals and intertwined tendrils that obligatorily twist in small trees or wires in sunny fences. Give them the occasional foliage food and cut back last year's foliage in the winter.

    Acunthus mallis - 

    Most perennials have nondescript leaves, but not this bear's impressive breeches. Acunthus makes a versatile backdrop for classic herbaceous borders or jungle-style foliage. Darkness shiny leaves and dark hooded flower spikes will make a show All summer. Water well in dry summers.

    Achillea "Walther Funcke": 

    If cakes aren't your thing, spice things up with paprika tones from "Walter Funcke"! Add a dispersion of yellow lilies and mix them with the wispy blonde leaves of horsetail herb (Stipa tenuissima), just in case. Makes a compact drought tolerant mix for a sunny border where space is tight.

    Thalictrum delavayi: 

    Thalictrum delavayi
    Thalictrum delavayi

    Verbena bonariensis is not the only transparent plant. The high rue del meadow is wonderful and airy for the front of a border, with foliage of evergreen ferns and clouds of tiny, fluffy flowers on thin purple stems. Grow on the cool side of the garden where the soil doesn't get too dry in summer.

    These are just a few of my favorite wonderfully scented flowers and plants that I think will add a soft to dramatic color to your garden.

    So why not let your imagination and taste for color work their magic in your own garden?

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