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    The basics of garden fences

    garden fences

    The basics of garden fences

    Fences are either open, to be used as a trellis for roses or other plants, or are closed to serve as protection from wind, sun, or privacy.

    The materials will largely depend on how the fence is used. The most popular, and probably the most attractive, fences are made of wood in various shapes, but newer fiber cement and corrugated sheet metal fences are colorful and resist rot better.

    Because they are heavier, they are generally erected in a zigzag pattern, best for resisting prevailing winds.

    Different Fences 

    The main problem in prolonging the life of a fence comes from rot in the soil line, since here it is susceptible to alternating conditions of humidity and dryness.

    Among the best woods to resist rot are California redwood and southern cypress, white and red cedar, chestnut, lobster, and arbor vitae. While painting wood with preservatives often prolongs the life of your fence, this will be of no use unless the preservatives penetrate.

    This is why a post that has been machine creosed will resist rot, while a hand creossed post will not. However, if you use a good preservative on clean, dry, unpainted wood, and give the wood two or three coats, you can do a good job. 

    Commercial wood preservatives include pentachlorophenol, copper naphthenate (which has a green color), and zinc naphthenate, a clear solution.

    In addition to the point where the post hits the ground, any place where two pieces are nailed together in a wooden fence is subject to rot. Therefore, it is advisable to treat the wood where the members are joined before placing the fence. This will preserve it much better than painting afterwards.

    Place fence posts deep enough into the ground to withstand prevailing winds, at least 2 feet and even deeper. Place heavy posts in concrete. Firmly tamp into place so that the fence does not move. The hardware used must be galvanized.

    Among the most popular types of fences are the traditional picket fence, post-rail fence, and fence fence, but with an increased emphasis on privacy screens, lattice and lattice types are becoming more and more popular.

    Post and rail fence

    Post and rail fence is made of posts spaced at 10 foot intervals with large slots cut into them. The fence fence has split rails built into a reinforced frame and nailed together, with the end pieces of each panel as posts.

    The traditionally white fence has posts 8 to 12 feet apart, 3x4-inch rails, and pickets 2 to 3 inches wide, pointing at the top.

    The spindle fence is a kind of picket fence with round spindles that pass through the holes in the rails.

    There are many possible variations of board fences used for protection. A wide rail can be alternated with a narrow rail, or the boards can be applied vertically, as splices, perhaps with a staggering of the boards on either side of the rail. Tables can be tilted in a louvered effect to provide privacy while allowing air and sunlight to pass through.

    A basket weave fence can be built with thin, flexible boards and provides a total screen and a beautiful background for planting. However, it is somewhat difficult to build yourself.

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