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    Summer lawn care tips

    lawn care

    Summer lawn care tips

    Summer is just around the corner, and your lawn will probably need a little maintenance before the summer season of backyard barbeques and swimming in the pool. So what are you doing now to prepare your lawn? Lawn care is often feared as a difficult and time-consuming process, but with a few guidelines and tips, you can easily have a healthy green lawn in time for the first backyard party of the season.

    First, if you can spare a minute of your time, don't hire a lawn care "specialist" or professional landscaper. Buying your own lawn care products is cheap and easy, with hundreds of vendors offering products online and in DIY stores. A wide variety of products, such as weed controllers and fertilizers, can be found online and can usually be found at reasonable prices, especially when you do a little online coupon search.

    Manual fertilizing lawn

            Starting off on the right foot is important to reviving your lawn after winter. Fertilizer is the key to ensuring strong and healthy grass growth in your garden. Fertilizing your herb does more than just make it green. Of course it will grow it too, but a lot happens when you fertilize. The fertilizer makes the seed germinate faster and start to come out of the soil. After the grass has gotten off to a good start, the fertilizer will thicken the grass and send out beneficial chemicals like rhizomes, stolons, and tillers, all of which will make the lawn thicker and healthier.

    What most people want to know about fertilization is: how much and when? Typically you want to fertilize 4 times each season, 60 days apart. Start in early spring about 30 days before the growing season begins in your area, continuing through the growing season through fall. Spring fertilizing gets your lawn started quickly and gives it that deep green color everyone wants. A word of caution though, don't use too much fertilizer, follow the guidelines listed on the bag.

    Mowing the lawn is the most misunderstood part of lawn care and the part of lawn care that is often done incorrectly. Too many people will set their mowers too low or "pull up" the grass. How many times have you spent time mowing your lawn in hopes of a beautiful result only to end up with brown spots? Overcutting the top leads to thinned grass and shallow root systems.


            Now, once you've got the perfect lawn, you need to do regular maintenance to prevent it from becoming a pasture again. Spend a little time and money and keep it watered and you'll preserve the lush weed you spent your time and hard-earned money on. This way, watering is done every day you need it, you don't have to drag hoses, you don't waste water from overwatering, and you water your entire lawn, not just where you put the sprinkler. . If you implement this type of sprinkler system, be sure to water shrubs and annuals separately from the lawn. If you were to apply the same amount of water in your garden as that which is placed on the lawn, you will surely kill some plants from overwatering.

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