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    Control the snakes in the your garden

    Control the snakes in the your garden

    Control the snakes in the your garden

    Having a snake or two in the garden is good. Non-poisonous Snakes, like common snakes, are beneficial. creatures because they eat pest insects, mosquito larvae,slugs, snails, crickets, rats, mice, voles and even others snakes that can be poisonous.

    if you don't want snakes in your garden here are some tips to remove them without hurting or killing them.

    1. Keep your lawn neat and clean. Be careful with marijuana eaters because the stinger of the rapidly moving rope can Kill them.
    2. Snakes need cover to protect themselves. Do not leave wood or brush batteries sit in one place for more than a month.
    3. Keep leaves and other debris collected.
    4. Don't save piles of rocks.
    5. Stack kindling on a rack 12 "off the ground.
    6. Remove old wood or scrap piles.
    7. Eliminate your food source. Keep bug and rodent population under control.
    8. Put garbage bags in sealed garbage cans away from the home.
    9. Repair the cracks along the base and fill the holes around it. pipeline. Snakes only need about an inch of crack to get inside.
    10. Sprinkle moth balls around the perimeter of your garden or yard. But keep in mind that these can be dangerous to pets and kids.
    11. Sulfur from a nursery place is said to keep winds away.
    12. Do not plant shrubs and other plants too close to the Foundation of the house.
    13. Use mulch on garden beds, but not too thick.
    14. Trim the lower branches of shrubs and bushes so that they are within at least 12 inches above the ground.
    15. Build a fence around your yard out of heavy galvanized material. put on screen. Make it three feet wide with a quarter inch mesh.
    16. Make sure to bury the bottom six inches below the ground surface.

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